St. Paul Orphanage
Antananarivo - Madagascar
The structure is there, the children are there,
Help us make this fantastic action sustainable.

Why sponsor ?
We need you to support our action !!

Being a sponsor is to offer these children a better future.
Your support will enable them :
- To eat and improve their diet with dairy produce, meat or fish,

- To have continuous medial care, keep up to date on their vaccinations, and look after them the small ones or great evils
-To be dressed, feel clean and good
- To go to school, learn and prepare for a career

It will enable them to build their future and go beyond their destiny.
To sponsor is to engage
By becoming a sponsor, you are involved in their education and development.
You make our projects come true and for that we are very grateful to you.
You contribute to their future and for this reason we thank you.
The commitment of the sponsors is not only financial but also emotional and must last.
To act effectively, one needs continuity and a moral commitment.
The funds will contribute to reduce the loads inherent in the food, the wellness, the medical care, the awakening and the education of the children.

Your sponsorship
Associating a face with a gift carried out is legitimate for those who wish to engage in the sponsorship of children. However, we prefer collective sponsorship which will help all the children.

1 sponsorship = several smiles

We do not forget you, and we understand your desire to see these children grow.
Sponsoring is not just a financial liability, but a way to build an emotional tie. Thus, in order for each child of the center to have an equal opportunity to having this bond and knowing that someone thinks of them beyond the Indian Ocean, we remain positive in our optics of collective sponsorship.

Therefore, at the time of your sponsorship, we will randomly choose for you 2 children who will become your godsons.
You will receive a pacakge of the Saint Paul Orphanage containing the photographs of the two children and the center as well as a description of this one.
Thereafter, you will receive, twice a year, updates about your godsons, some photographs, drawings and/or letters which they will have prepared for you.